Saturday 22 November 2014

MV Review- GD X Taeyang's "Good Boy"

Good god.
I was about to say "Okay, I guess it's not that bad", but it really is.

Since 2012, the quality of YG releases seems to have really gone down. In 2013 the only two good singles I can think of from YG artists were Lee Hi's "Rose" and Seungri's "Gotta Talk To You", whilst this year there's been Akdong Musician's very nice "Melted" and 2NE1's "Gotta Be You"(aka the sole reason I still have hope for them), and... that's pretty much it. "Good Boy" will not be added to this list, because simply put it's atrocious.

Looks like GD's on the strong cigarettes again.
As soon as rumours of a GD and Taeyang unit started, I prepared myself for the most in-your-face "SWAG SWAG SWAG" video of the year. Unfortunately (?) they failed to out-cringe Zico's "Tough Cookie" but they came pretty damn close so, erm, congrats?

I can't think of a less swaggy outfit.
A big problem I have with this song is that Taeyang was completely unnecessary. I get that he's a massive solo star and "Eyes, Nose, Lips" was one of the highest-praised songs in Korea this year but he doesn't even do much? And even then, it's not as if the parts he does sing were too vocally challenging for GD to sing himself so he was kind of redundant. I won't claim to be an expert (or even particularly knowledgeable) on rapping, but I'm not too sure why G-Dragon is considered one of the top idol rappers in K-pop. Sure, I won't deny his abilities as a composer, because he's clearly very talented, but in songs like this he doesn't really showcase flow or rhyme-scheme.

Always nice to see them give Taeyang horrible hair.
I must be missing something here. I have to be. The song is still on top of the Melon charts and the MV already has 3 million views on YouTube. I'm aware a lot of people have been saying the song is terrible (heck even my friend who's a big V.I.P said they were really disappointed) but I'm incredibly confused. I said I wasn't very impressed by the teasers for "Luv" but Basic Pink can rest assured for they can't possibly disappoint me as much as this did.

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