Thursday 30 July 2015

Album Teaser Uploaded for "REBOOT", Wonder Girls Are on to a Winner

An album teaser for Wonder Girls' third full-length album "REBOOT" has been uploaded onto JYP's YouTube channel, and it sounds like it could be the best album this year.
The album contains twelve tracks, and all four members have co-written and co-composed some of the songs: Yeeun with "Baby Don't Play", "One Black Knight", and "Remember"; Hyerim with "Candle", "Oppa", and "Back"; Yubin with "Loved", "I Feel You" (JYP wrote and composed the song, though Yubin is credited for the rap), "John Doe", "Back", and "Gone"; and Sunmi with "Rewind" and "Faded Love". 

Wonder Girls REBOOT Teaser

After listening to the teaser I'm looking forward to "Baby Don't Play", "Faded Love", and the title track "I Feel You" the most, but the whole album sounds like it'll be solid gold. BoA better watch her back.
Full tracklist.

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